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Modern City

Innovative Solutions. Successful Partnerships.


Leadership Development

Our leadership development programmes help to embed the culture and values of organisations into leadership behaviours that create the environment where high performance is inevitable. 

We deliver leadership development at two levels, each providing a clear focus on the skills relevant to the challenges and expectations of that level.  We create bespoke programmes relevant to each organisation.   

Our Executive leadership Programmes focus on developing strategic leadership capability by providing vision and direction, creating meaning to connect the strategy to business delivery, positively impacting leadership and talent pipelines and leadership expectations at the organisational level.

Our business leadership programmes focus on developing the capability to create high performance environments and teams, capitalise on individual talent, lead change and remain resilient

Data on a Touch Pad

Management Development

Most people get promoted into management roles because they were good at being specialists. The responsibility of managing resources and people performance present new, very different challenges.

Our management programmes are aimed at developing the key skills for new managers and those who manage small teams.  We equip maangers with practical tools to succefully implemnet the key principles of management.

Business Meeting

Executive and Performance Coaching

The pressure of the modern business environment creates challenges and constraints meaning leaders and individuals need to deal with increased complexity and increased expectation.  Our performance coaching provides valuable focused support to enable leaders and individuals to meet those challenges and flourish and thrive under pressure.

Brainstorming Session

Team Performance

In modern organisations, there is constant pressure to adapt and deliver results in a dynamic, challenging and changing environment. Teams are a vital component in delivering organisational performance, yet research shows that genuinely high performance teams are rare.  

The complexity of the modern organisation presents massive barriers to the development of truly effective team performance. Our team coaching enables teams to overcome these challenges to deliver enhanced performance.

Extensive research has shown that in order to realise the potential benefits of teams, organisations need to apply teams to the right challenges, and to take a disciplined approach to enabling teams to reach their performance potential.

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Agile and Responsive Management System

Increasing evidence shows that ‘traditional’ Performance Management systems are not achieving the desired results.  They are often perceived as being time-consuming and ineffective by both managers and employees.  Indeed, rather than supporting good performance, the processes are often actually hindering performance. Many multi-national organisations are moving away from Performance Management systems founded on an annual appraisal.  

We are proud to partner with MyObjectives a management system that enables you to track holistic organisational health in real time. The foundation of MyObjectives is a combination of managment best practices, neuroscience and game mechanics

Team Meeting

Bespoke Graduate and Talent
Development Programmes

Our bespoke Graduate and Talent Programmes are aligned to the organisations strategy and focus on developing individuals in the graduate and talent pipelines to start to think, behave and interact as business leaders of the future.  

Our unique approach supports organisations through the recruitment, selection, assessment and development of high potentials.

Our award winning programmes create tangible strategy impact.  Connecting the graduate and talent strategy to the business strategy through supported assessment and development, creates clarity for future leadership performance and business results.

Confident businessman waiting for an interview

Bespoke Assessment and Recruitment

At Marbury, we understand how people can make or break your organisation. We support you to identify the positive potential in your people and enable you to tap into it, ensuring your organisation takes every opportunity to succeed. Successful companies invest time and resource to understand what performance means and what real success looks and feels like. Our Philosophy is to identify potential and challenge performance.

We work on HR strategy, recruitment, development & retention across all industries and geographies. We bring deep, functional expertise and our solutions are innovative and brave, while at the same time being based on industry knowledge and key marketing strategies. There is always a solution.

We offer a comprehensive portfolio of services. Call us now to find out more

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